I keep meaning to sit down and do some writing here and show off some of what I’ve been working on, but things just seem to keep cropping up. Like needy beagles, or video games. If you’ve ever had a beagle’s noise cannon aimed at you, it’s understandable how hard it is to accomplish things under such conditions.
Things are slowly getting done though. Take a look at this little horror I just finished this past week.
It’s not every day you walk into work and have someone tell you that they want to commission you to make a narwhal monster specifically to give it to their friend who’s terrified* of narwhals. So of course I had to tackle it. So very happy I did too. I love how this horrorshow turned out.
I knew I thoroughly succeeded when I next saw the commissioner and she had this to say:
“So my son saw the print and said “Mommy, that’s the monster that chases me down the hall when I go to the bathroom at night!”.
That’s ambrosia right there. Absolutely life giving. Chef’s kiss.
In other news, ConQuest page five is slowly coming along. It’s been a struggle to get some of the posing and composition they way I want it, but the roughs are finally all down and the inking has started. I’m hoping to have those finished by the end of the week the whole page finished before the new year.

The roughs for page 5 are up on my personal Patreon right now if you want to check them out. Work in progress stuff is always available to all patrons no matter what tier level they’re on.
*They really are weird and slightly unnerving to look at. I kind of love them.