Due to circumstances beyond my control, Voodoo Walrus is on hiatus for a while. I hate and love this fact in equal measure. I hate the circumstances that have led to this happening. I hate having to once more stall a story that has been stalled countless times already. I hate shelving a setting and cast that I love creating. I simply despise not being able to finish things at the pace I want them finished.
However, I do love that it gives me the chance to focus completely on ConQuest and other works for a bit. Up until now I was bopping back and forth. Finish art for a Voodoo Walrus page, rough out a ConQuest page, work on stickers or commissions, finish a ConQuest page, rough out the next Walrus. The goal was to push out one VW and one CQ page every month and I was getting pretty close to that. It was tiring though.
So, executive decision made. Grymm focuses on Art Wizarding until VW making circumstances are right again.
That said, what have I been up to recently? I figured doing a blog entry would be a good one stop shop for that info.
Most of the past month has been spent focused on the ValenTerror sticker design set and working on ConQuest page six. The ValenTerror stickers can actually be seen in all their glory in the Monsternagerie right now! Page six of CQ will hopefully be done and up on the Patreon within a few days and uploaded here shortly thereafter.

In fact, most of what’s been done recently can be found on my Patreon for all patrons regardless of tier level:
–Finished colors for ConQuest Page Six
-DEEP LORE: The War Witch and Brevyas’ Tears
-PROGRESS VIDEO: Inking CQ and rambling about the Mandela Effect
-CQ CONCEPTS: Drome Tammet Sigil Graphic
-POLL: Next monster sticker pack theme
Wow, when I type it out it I actually feel like I’ve been productive! Neat!